
From the Mouth of Babes

I look at my son and wondered what would happen to him if, heaven forbid, something bad happens to me or to his dad. he'd be left alone. sure, he'd have his cousins and titas to watch over him, but basically, he'd be alone. so for some time now, i've been toying with the idea of [maybe] him having a baby brother or sister. but that would mean me having to get married. not having seen a lot of happy endings, i'm not at all keen on tying the knot, that's for sure. but i figured, it'd be fun to have another baby to take care of, and it'd be nice if my son would have an ally beside him. as i ponder on this, i floated the question to my son. he asked me why would i need another baby, and i said it'd be fun, and aren't babies supposed to make the family happy, like what his books at school say? then he said, "why, don't kids my age make the family happy?" Ek! probably i asked the wrong question, or probably i gave him the wrong reply, but his words struck me. Indeed, doesn't he? He more than makes me happy, he fills my life. and i've stopped thinking about babies now, and entrusts that idea to the One above.
it's been a while since i made an entry in this blog. a lot of things happened that i should have had control over, but opted instead to self-destruct. but anyway, having survived that, i know now there are some lines one simply shouldn't cross. as usual, Someone wiser sent His angels to watch over me, and pray for me, and i am overwhelmed by it all.