
What does Spongebob have that I don’t?

Well, as far as I know, my liver works fine, so I couldn’t be yellow. I don’t have chicken legs (au contraire:-)), nor do I have eyes popping out of their sockets. I do own a pair of brown shorts though. But this yellow thingy has invaded my home, and has proven to be quite an adversary for my son’s attention. Where before I could talk to my son lengthily over the phone as to what kind of day he’s had, now I couldn’t! all I get is a hello-I’m-fine-and-got-to-put-down-the-phone-now-spongebob’s-on-will-call-you-later greeting.
Ah, but this Spongebob fan, despite the 30 minutes -1 hour TV time after school, boasts of truly high grades. He’s got 97 in science (he perfected his 75-item periodical exams, you see). He even joined his grade level’s science quiz bee yesterday. So I’m more than proud, I’m ecstatic!

But I still want to know who created Spongebob:-)


Jarring Monday

I had an accident yesterday.
I was making a u-turn near my place of work when out of nowhere, this motorbike slammed into my front bumpers. i hit the brakes and wham! another vehicle hit me from behind. the guy in the bike didn't fall off, thank goodness. in fact, he drove at least twenty more meters before finally stopping and checking his bike for damage.
i sat in my car, shaking. i shouted at the biker because i was already making that turn, and my signal light was on, and there was a car to my left and to my right doing the same turn simultaneously. why he hit me, the one in the middle, boggled my mind. my initial shock worn off, i shouted that he should not have been in the u-turn slot at all. clearly, he was snaking his way between vehicles while heading straight for the flyover, about 40 meters away.
in those few seconds that i was both shaking and shouting, traffic immediately piled up behind me. everybody seemed to be blowing his horn, and everybody was shouting. i didn't know what to do, and i couldn't see a traffic policeman anywhere, so i just drove off.
i didn't even think of whatever happened to my car. i didn't even have the presence of mind to truly give the biker what i truly think of him. i didn't even talk to the guy that hit me from behind. i didn't make any move except sit there, and panic.
my first taste of accident and i behaved badly. then again, is anybody really prepared for those things? how does anybody think straight at times like that?
i was shaking and crying until i got to the office. i am only thankful that my son wasn't in the car anymore when it all happened.