
What does Spongebob have that I don’t?

Well, as far as I know, my liver works fine, so I couldn’t be yellow. I don’t have chicken legs (au contraire:-)), nor do I have eyes popping out of their sockets. I do own a pair of brown shorts though. But this yellow thingy has invaded my home, and has proven to be quite an adversary for my son’s attention. Where before I could talk to my son lengthily over the phone as to what kind of day he’s had, now I couldn’t! all I get is a hello-I’m-fine-and-got-to-put-down-the-phone-now-spongebob’s-on-will-call-you-later greeting.
Ah, but this Spongebob fan, despite the 30 minutes -1 hour TV time after school, boasts of truly high grades. He’s got 97 in science (he perfected his 75-item periodical exams, you see). He even joined his grade level’s science quiz bee yesterday. So I’m more than proud, I’m ecstatic!

But I still want to know who created Spongebob:-)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

wow! what a genius!

yeah... dunno what that spongebob's got that kids are glued to him? he even looks so weird to me!

3:04 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ask not for the reason why :-)

8:15 AM  
Blogger lee said...

spongebob is a bit cute though

erika ito

4:58 AM  

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