
Night Away from Home

Last week, my son got invited to a leadership training seminar at school. Am immensely proud of him, and happy that he was one of the few picked. But the invitation was for an overnight stay at the school, and he's never been away from home that long without me as alalay. But he was excited, and I knew he'd gain a lot from the experience. Heart heavy, I signed my consent.
I packed his bags, his baon. I brought him to the venue.
Hand in hand, we entered the room full of kids from grades 3 and 4. He didn't see any familiar face and I could feel his reluctance to be left alone there. I wanted to tell him that he can change his mind, and he can come home with me, but I couldn't. I didn't. So I let him go.
When I got home, I wanted to burst into tears. The house was so quiet. Not seeing him there sprawled on the sofa watching his cartoons made me want to scream. It was all I could do not to go to school and bring him back home with me. I tried to calm down. I'd see him tomorrow, I consoled myself.
Past 10PM, I still couldn't sleep. I was waiting to hear from him. I pored over his photo albums, cried, and cried some more. He's just a baby! He's still too young to manage on his own. He needs me.
But I know he'd manage. I know he's not a baby anymore. And I know he'd need me, but I know he'd survive on his own.
But oh, how I miss him so!
When he texted, "Mama, tulog na ako," I breathed a sigh of relief. I tried to get some sleep.
5:15AM, he texted again, "Mama, gising na." I smiled to myself. He thought of me, and it was enough.
I began counting the hours till I see him again while saying a silent prayer, "Please Lord, please don't let this happen often. Let him be my baby for a few more years."
He again texted, "I love you Ma."
And I cried, boy did I cry.
He's growing up fast. And while it's too fast for my liking, it still is great seeing him take on challenges and try out new things. And my heart swells with pride each time he conquers something.
Sunduan time. It was raining so hard, and streets were already getting flooded. I didn't mind. I saw him at the school gate, waving at me. Seeing his dear face, my life's complete again. With any luck, it'd be months before another something like this happens again. I hugged him tight.

On the way home, he tells me, "Mama, our group's going camping next."



Blogger Gloria Oldham said...

Kids grow fast My Dear. Just turn around and you'll see a grown up man in your sweet little boy. Can't make him a "Mamma"s Boy " all the time . Hmmm.

4:45 AM  
Blogger ruthietheotaku said...

Ahahah All is good. I'm sure he missed you a lot too.

7:06 PM  

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