
BSB Fans

My son and i spent our friday night differently, for once. we watched the Backstreet Boys concert in Araneta Coliseum! well, i think i might have disappointed him a bit when he realized we won't be seating right infront of the stage [well the ticket was P5,000!]. anyway, he seemed to have enjoyed himself, so the evening was well worth the, huhu, little dent in the budget!
I was a fan of the group since college days; and i was waiting so long for them to give a concert here. so the first chance i got, i didn't think anymore, i just bought the tickets!
of course, the waiting time was irksome. why concerts are always one hour late, i wouldn't know. but when it finally started, my son literally gasped...the shouting of the crowd plus the burst of light and sound plus his favorite band's dramatic entrance playing his most favorite song from the album, just took his breath away. the dome was truly a sight to see that night. i actually didn't expect the crowd to be so huge, and the shouts to be so deafening. my son was complaining that he couldn't hear the song well, but eventually he started to sing and dance, yup, dance!
i'don't know why, but i particularly like AJ McLean the most.



There are days i get this feeling that the world has moved on without me, that i'm stuck in this corner and have nowhere to go. i'm not even talking career-wise, because i chose this particular place, this particular job, so i could achieve balance between work and, ahem, motherhood. and everything is actually working out just fine, except that there seems to be something missing. i love the view i see outside my window: trees instead of buildings. i love the fact that i do not have to pay for my parking every day and that i do not have to eat mall food all the time too. and yet, there still is something missing.
I crave to learn something new. I already know this job like the back of my hand and therefore, it has lost its challenge. i NEED to learn something new. i want to enrol in something, but what? sometime ago, i studied french and reached as high as my finances would allow me. that done, i took my IELTS and got results more than i expected. i self-studied other desktop publishing softwares to upgrade my skills [so when i say that PageMaker rules, i mean it. Publisher, Ventura, and InDesign do not even come close]
i don't know how to shake this feeling off. in a few months, i will get my new PowerBook G4 [provided by the office, of course!]. maybe that would provide a challenge---shifting to Mac again---or maybe it would not. but it would at least be something to look forward to.
and then, when i hit the lotto jackpot, i'd study interior designing, or computer animation. now wouldn't that be something?


My Five Weird Habits

What are mine indeed? I have been tagged and so I'm duty-bound to reply. What's "tagged"? You can ask chic. Wouldn't be able to comply with the rest of the rules though, since i only know of one other blogger, and she isn't in the habit of making lists like this. Anyway, i'm stalling, here's mine...

  • I watch the movie "While You Were Sleeping" at least once a month for the past 8 years; dunno why
  • I watch the movie "Under the Tuscan Sun" when i'm not watching the movie stated above; this i know why
  • When i'm bone-tired, i relax by changing car seat covers [which takes about an hour at the very least], then cleaning the car inside out
  • I love kising my baby's feet---dust, sweat, and all!
  • I love accumulating chocolate bars, and then letting two years pass before eating them


Back to Blogging

No sooner had i finished dusting my office desk than work began to pile up. Projects i thought were finished last year are back for revisions. Some even need to be re-laid out. I guess that is better than starting the year staring at the ceiling and waiting for the senses to wake up.
Now this being the new year and all, i'd like to write about something cheerful and optimistic, but after days of trying to think of positive things, i gave up since i couldn't come up with any. i think i'm really born a pessimist after all. or maybe i'm just growing old and the things that used to pep me after the Christmas holidays no longer hold any meaning or magic for me anymore.
however, this does not stop me from feeling good about the way the new year greeted people close to me. my sister got a super-nice birthday gift from my aunt and uncle; a close friend is expecting her second child; another friend is arriving from france; and my parents are well.
my new year's ominous start notwithstanding, i'm back to blogging to shake off this feeling of doom. when i get home later, i'll grab my new Narnia books or my Bella Tuscany that two angels sent me. i'll put some popcorn in the microwave and fix myself a really cold glass of iced tea. that should do the trick.