
Happy birthday to me! [to the tune of Voltes V!]

I just turned 39. one more year and I’m joining those in the rank of the big four-O. i thought this occasion deserves a good facial, a massage, a schedule with the derma, an intense diamond peel----a head-to-toe pampering, anything to delay the onset of wrinkles on my perfect oval face [haha!] with its patrician features accentuated by an equally perfect nose [even more haha!] but nah, the only way to delay the appearance of age is to enjoy life more, to dream more, to laugh more:-)
to friends and relatives who just celebrated their birthdays like me, cheers! may we all live longer, happier. may people who do not like us grow a second nose. may those who pretend to like us but do not really care about us grow beards that reach the ground. nah, just kidding. happy birthday to us! hip hip hooray!
now back to work, sigh*


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Happy birthday uli Bramie! You can be inducted early into Team 40 if you like ;-)

8:30 PM  

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