
New Driving Skill

Aside from wide peripheral vision and alertness, Manila drivers now need another important skill to negotiate city roads: dodging potholes without bumping into the next guy’s car! The rains and the floods effectively washed out the asphalt from the concrete roads [that’s right, asphalt on top of concrete! at least, that’s how bumpy roads get repaired in this part of the world] leaving huge potholes the size of the moon’s craters. now, it would have been fun looking at vehicles bobbing in and out of holes as though they were in a rough road dirt rally. but the sad truth for motorists like me is that this translates to expensive repairs on the shocks and suspension bushings. hence, the need for the dodging skill. I was actually laughing while driving as I was zigzagging my way along straight EDSA. when I got to my son’s school, I just know a pat in the back is in order for my newfound skill!


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