
Trick or Treat?

Our kids went trick or treating last weekend. While it wasn’t an event my sisters and I indulged in when we were growing up [for one, Filipinos do not really spend Halloween that way back then, twasn’t a Filipino custom to begin with; secondly, we wouldn’t have money to buy costumes with anyway], it was really fun seeing the kids all dressed up and excited with their candies.
Doesn’t Jillian look sweet in her fairy costume? And Erika, well, she’s got to be the slimmest she-pirate I’ve ever seen in my entire life! There probably are less and less ships with gold to steal and sailors to torture at sea, that’s why. And AJ, he has got to be the chubbiest Batman ever! Good thing I was able to persuade him to wear that costume again [he wore it last year]. Now that he’s about to turn 7, he suddenly realized how funny and ridiculous it is that superheroes wear briefs outside their tights! And then of course, Geof, that kitty cat at the bottom, wouldn't be outdone!
Guess who got the most candies? Geof! Even before the three older kids went around for trick or treat, Geof, aided and abetted by his mom, was already charming witches and warlocks with his costume. Of course he didn’t get to eat his candies, hehe, he had his older cousins and sister Kaka to help him with that.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

My golly, they're all so round and healthy, except for my inaanak of course! Cadeaux pour mes darling nièces et neveux ce Noël! Pardon my French hahaha

6:35 AM  

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