My Stocking's Full

In the order of importance, I have:
- finally provided a home where my child feels secure
- through his 9-month play therapy that I had to grit my teeth to afford for him, removed his angst that caused violent manifestations in school
- closer ties with family members, especially sisters
- unlimited view of my nephew and my two nieces’ antics
- lesser friends [in quantity] but in no way lesser in quality; the ones I have now I intend to keep for the rest of my life
- found my real stand on life, after witnessing someone try to take his
- found my peace and my independence. I know now, without doubt, this is where I’m happiest---raising my child alone
- a wider portfolio of books I’ve designed; the added perk is being able to read the book before it even comes off the press
- these in my coffers: coffee press (that my sister gave me last Christmas); two books two angels sent me from across the seas, and more to arrive pretty soon; a car that I’ve painstakingly restored to perfect condition, after more than a year of abuse from the old driver (new scratches and dents notwithstanding :); a microwave oven (for popcorn, what else?); a mug from Paris (that I can’t wait to see); a bottle of L’Instant de Guelain and a liter of my fave Heno de Pravia cologne; a still-working Pentium 3 at home; an unopened bottle of red wine; more Naturalizer shoes than I could possibly use, thanks to one other sister
- become a better driver
- a car mechanic who is a real gem
- discovered this magic potion you add to gasoline to improve mileage
- free refresher course from my nursery lessons to---let me see now---grade 1 (thanks to my son’s school books! schools teach geometry to 6 year olds now, I didn’t learn of that till I was in high school)
- completed this yet another rite of passage of motherhood: successfully orchestrating a son’s birthday bash at school
- finally simplifed my life [Bo Sanchez would be proud of me]
- this blog
In the order of importance, I have lost:
- a friend I loved very much, no thanks to a broken car radiator
- the use of a TV remote control :) ; and a replacement is not forthcoming yet
It has been one blessed year for me after all.
I still wish for the time when I’m debt-free, of course. I still wish for the time when it’d be my turn to help others instead of being on the receiving end. I still wish I could see France and Italy and that Bramasole I am sure is waiting for me. I still wish for a sparkling 16-valve blood-red convertible with free gasoline for life! Dream big, I always say!
But for now, my stocking’s full, and I couldn’t ask for more.
and with a 'thank-full' heart, she will close the year. somehow, i think it will not be too much to put one more.
"i unwittingly encouraged a friend to discover how cathartic writing can be. i am a super woman!"...=D
thanks =d! i still remember that time when i didn't know the first thing about the internet, yet you invited me anyway to develop and manage--of all things--web content! it was my first peek to the world of invisible webs. and the ride has been fun, truly enriching, and truly worth that first-day-in-the-office attack of nerves.
wow! i really love people who can still look at the brighter side of life even when sometimes there are dark moments. = )
i call that, inspirational!!!
two lovely ladies who have gone beyond their comfort zones - like what they saw. glad was the one who nudged it a bit... =D Happy Holidays!
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