
Pet peeves

no matter how much one resolves to stay unaffected or uncorrupted, someone, something, always manages to crack through the barrier and then irk us no end. i particularly find fascinating some people's capability to find ways of going around the system to amass things that they deem increase their value. did they actually think that by surrounding themselves with impressive things, they'd be impressive themselves? then there are those who just lack the skill to organize themselves and are completely lazy to learn and therefore become pests to those around them. still there are those who have too much of everything but totally lack that one thing that would have made them "human". power-playing, buck passing, ego-tripping---my favorite pet peeves, emportez-les de moi s'il vous plaît.
mais quand je vais à la maison, je regarde mon fils et mon monde est juste de nouveau.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

i agree!!! to add to that, i have observed that a lot of people nowadays, especially in companies and organizations, have the attitude of immediately shutting you off or saying "NO" or "CAN'T DO THAT". they don't even think of solutions or ways to alleviate the situation.

2:39 AM  

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