
Falling Leaves [part two]

I can't believe i'm writing about falling leaves again! it's just that from where i'm seated right now, i can see trees that, only a few days ago, were full of leaves. one swoosh of the wind and leaves of all sizes and shapes and colors join their counterparts on the ground. but while there, in mid-air, with those leaves dancing with the wind before deciding where to finally rest, the sight is just so beautiful it makes the heart ache. and if that fleeting image--my own version of "autumn" this corner of the world--already brings the heart delight, imagine what a real autumn elsewhere would do to my feeble heart [probably a heart attack!]. someone said spring is the most beautiful time of the year. not having witnessed this yet, i will neither confirm nor deny. my autumn is inspiring enough. spring might mean new life, but it's autumn that says "hope of a new life".
and look where almost half of those leaves went: right on top of my car!


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